EMA-XPS Online



syntax: (make-babylon-push-button <interface> 
           <wname> <xpos> <ypos> <width> <height>
           <label> <font> <color> 
           &optional <action> &rest <args>)

This function defines a push-button for the window. 
<wname> is the name of the button. <xpos> and <ypos>
are the positions from the upper left corner. <width>
and <height> define the width and height of it.
<label> is the text on the button. <font> and <color>
are not supported  by Babylon v3. <action> describes
the task that will be started when the button is
pushed. The defined button will appear in the

example: >(defun make-kb-interface (interface)
             (list (make-babylon-push-button interface
             "PSHB1" 400 300 100 50  "OPTIONS" nil nil
             '(start 'options-task interface)))))

EMA-XPS Online