The graphic expert system shell

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User's Guide

Table of Contents

1. Acknowledgements
9. The EMA-XPS Online Help Pages

1. Acknowledgements

I would like to order my acknowledgements chrono- logically:
At first I want to thank my Professor Joachim Holtz for supporting this idea for the comlete time of this project and granting availability of latest computing power (ApolloDomainOS, SunOS, Linux).
Remembering the first steps in X11/Motif® pro- gramming and setting up UNIX® Interprocess- Communications I want to thank Andreas Hennecke for the parts of source he added to build the X- version of EMA-Laboratory's Graphics Standard GRF3. This was used to build the KLED-application, an interactive tool for mouse-oriented manipulation of graphs, which is part of the EMA-XPS distri- bution. In this context the concept of a two- process-solution (one event-oriented, the other with a sequential work-flow) was born. The infe- rence engine of Babylon2 (developed by the GMD) works merely text-oriented, but its source is available free of charge. To avoid "re-inventing the wheel" only the graphic support should be added by accompanying the Babylon2-process with a graphics manager.
For testing and implementing a first version of this solution adapted to the demands of this pro- ject, the core-part of EMA-XPS v1, Jochen Krom- berg must be honored.
In advance the work of Klaus Senf must be grate- fully mentioned. He built the complete rest of the GUI of EMA-XPS v1 to demonstrate the great chances of this concept.
Although it were bad news, that "babylon v3.1- beta" from VW-GEDAS was removed from the market, the hopes in this project were strongly growing. The idea of adapting EMA-XPS to become a repla- cement for babylon3 emerged higher stability and flexibility of the core-IPC. Therefore the number of physical channels has been reduced to 1. Up to 1000 virtual channels can be multiplexed across it now.
The most important prerequisite for the replace- ment-task was building a babylon3-like graphic session-time user-interface. This has been cre- ated by Michael Block with great love in details.
For studying the knowledge-programming-languages of Babylon2 and babylon3, their common sets and their differences, I'd like to thank Jan Legen- hausen. He found the principles of how-to-trans- form babylon3 constructs into Babylon2/EMA-XPS ones. Therefore he developed the language-trans- lator "3to2", which has been superseded by a load-time input-filter as a part of EMA-XPS v2.1.
For converting and optimizing the knowledge- editors of EMA-XPS v1 my thanks aren't finally directed to Karsten Vossberg and Stephan Peters. This includes changing code in a way, that the complete multi-language-support of EMA-XPS v2.1 has been moved to X-Resources. This enables even users of binary distributions to build their own language support.
Last but not least to mention is Frans Ceelen, who added online documentation of the state of the babylon3 emulation. This help on syntax is available while editing knowledge from within the text fields of the knowledge editors.

Hans Groschwitz

9. The EMA-XPS Online Help Pages


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